Final Project

Final project

Because we continue to be confronted by the “new tools” of digital media, as Cathy Davidson suggests on her HASTAC blog (as one example), our pedagogical approaches must continue to evolve as well. Using new technologies with old pedagogy could be ineffective, if not damaging to classroom innovation. With this in mind...

Think back to the “individual” classes you attended by our job candidates near the start of this semester. If you had one, 30-minute block with which to teach your peers and your professors something about digital media and the iPad, what would it be?

For this project, you have been broken into groups (the same as your scribing groups):

April 12

Joshua, Kalee, Cait

Holly, Amelie, Jeffrey, Maria

April 14

Chris, Elle, Rolando

Jonas, Andrew, Terra

Together in your respective group, devise a single lesson that centers on one specific topic: through this topic, you are to unpack the implications and applications of digital media. This is purposefully “open” with regard to the topic you choose, with the goal of highlighting your own individual insights and concerns about how the iPad may or may not be applied to studies of digital media. You should also utilize the theoretical readings you have encountered in this class to bolster your lesson.

You are responsible for teaching a 30-minute class on your chosen topic, with the “lesson” being fully immersed in digital media (e.g. on the iPad, utilizing youtube or other media sources, cloud computing, blogging, etc. etc.). In other words, we expect that the lesson itself will be largely, if not entirely, presented using digital media. (*Note: practice your presentations ahead of time, to avoid the pesky nuisance of “technological failure”!)

Also, on the day of your presentation, you will need to turn in a 1- to 2-page, group authored pedagogical rationale and theoretical basis for your presentation. (You may submit this in hard or soft copy.)

Mar 3 -- project ideas due

April 12 and 14 -- project presentations (see dates above)