Tuesday, November 30, 2010

'Information Overload,' in The Chronicle of Higher Education

An interesting article I thought you all might enjoy:

"Information Overload, Then and Now"


  1. This is really interesting. Information overload is something that I've thought about a lot. I always feel stupid for not having read certain pieces of literature and for not being able to keep up with current books, but I have a tentative personal reading list that probably won't be possible for me to finish in a life time at the rate that I add books to it. Sometimes I read something from a certain genre or on a certain subject, and I think "Oh my god! This is so great!" And then I want to spend all of my time reading everything about that subject and by that writer and from that time period, but I later realize that that's totally unrealistic. That's when I fall into despair.

  2. What I find interesting is that, I would assume, as we have always complained about info overload, we have probably also complained about changes in the form or the object in which that information is presented.
    Check out this video:

  3. I feel that same thing of always wanting to have read the things other people have, that somehow I'm not a true "english major" because I haven't touched on all of these subjects that are brought about. But that is the idea of collective learning that was brought up today. Because we have all come from different backgrounds and read separate ideas, we can use them all in the classroom environment to grow. Collective intelligence is where we are heading since we have now been overloaded with so much information.
