Sunday, October 3, 2010

Notes from Last Wednesday via Chapters App

Holly is the scribe!
Question from Robert: who is using Kendel? Can't use the popular highlight feature for some reason
Makes Schaberg think about archiving personal emails in book we're reading, back to last class, what is the concept we are wrestling with? The potential of these devices? We need a critical concept
Josh: what he's wrestling with are boundaries between free market and the public good
Robert: I think it is a problem of will this library be run by one person?
Cait: issue is control of what knowledge will be used, narrow down knowledge to a commission of virtuous scholars
Schaberg: when using google books, usually a few pages are left out, but who decides which pages are left out? These pages may be important
Could another algorithm decide what is available for public?
Terra: it's like the guy who collected Shakespeare
Robert: we cannot get rid of "gatekeepers" but what happens when your gate keeper is an algorithm? What happens when google decides that there don't need to be more books about worms?
What will Janelle do?
What about google black market?
A jailbreak google?
Good that we know this will happen, but google will be backed by the state, move towards fascism
Jonas: the publisher gives permission now about whether books now are public or not, and now google books is becoming the library of the world, google is the gatekeeper
Mary: gatekeepers have been here for forever, this is not new
Robert: i find it personally problematic that we rely on google so much
Mary: this happened with yahoo in France, yahoo had to take someone looking for Nazis, france said this cannot be published here and yahoo had to take it down, yahoo is gatekeeper for china
Janelle: how do we make money w copyright? Google is taking public domain things and charging people to look for them, ex) William blake museum with originals charges her to use images from her own books
The idea of intellectual property is based on having an original, a lack of original is in the future with google books
Jeffery: you get less experience for a price with google books
Janelle: red dragon movie- scene with protagonist in museum eats the original Blake image, makes people cringe when the original is lost
Maria: I don't feel the same magic when I read something over the Internet or get a scanned first addition as when I have an original book from 1790 or whatever
Robert: we could turn that on its head and say that no book could do what an iPad could do
Jonas: so much of what we buy and consume is meant to be timeless
Disposable technology
Terra: I look study old books more and feel more attachment to old books
Maria: the smell of the book is important, we like the smell of books old or new
Jonas: does that have a place in our time? The absence of the sensory input
Jeffery: the smell of some books is awful, like moldy Katrina books, books misprinted and falling apart can be an issue
Amelie: sensory input you get anchors you to the fact that the book is Old, vs. On iPad when a book does not seem old
Schaberg: why wouldn't you believe it?
Mary: for me it's the pleasure of reading over the format the reading is presented in, when she was younger people said paperbacks would ruin the experience of reading
Cait: growing up teachers emphasized that books were more reliable resources than the internet, we think of books as much more truthful, the stigma of Internet sources, treats the information much more seriously
Schaberg: depth suggests a kind of verticality, talk about a hierarchy if authenticity, as if the book is more authentic
Terra/Jonas: a book is more personal, Internet is more disposable, the exchange feels more legitimate
Robert: issue with cultural conditioning of authenticity and legitimacy
The issue of an authentic experience obstacle, Katrina class has split between Katrina survivors and people who did not live here during the storm
Schaberg: cell phones, is an iphone less authentic? The economics of authenticity
Jeffery: if the book store doesn't have a book, I feel like, where do I get it? You're the book store
Robert: money is a fraud!
Terra: the personal exchange is what matters, the feeling of the book feels more secure, very different
Schaberg: difference is a fine way to describe books vs. iPads, it is not okay to say good or bad
Cait: we're not yet comfortable with this technology, the issue of making readers comfortable
Amelie: the internet is actually making us more ADD, some scientific support for this apprehension
Robert: being immersed in media vs using an eReader
Schaberg: the loss of randomness with using dictionaries and physically using up words
Kaleigh: there is a difference between me highlighting and covering a book in post-its, I feel more greedy with the iPad I want more, how fast am I reading? Look how much work I have done
Janelle: still able to flip through and find passages you're looking for in a book, if you have a visual memory
Kaleigh: the issue of citing pages you read on the iPad
Janelle: the search engine could make the memory better because you are forced to remember exact phrases in order to search a book
Schaberg/Jonas/Janelle: could this mean the end of citation
Robert: we will be forced to be our own gatekeepers, we must decide how to use the info we are given
No one in this room is crying about the loss of the stone tablet
The death of the author, it is theological, it is up to us
The death of the reader?
The loss of digital money, vs. The loss of money that is really only paper which we assign value to, could the e-world just serve to further expose this kind of sham?
Janelle: I wonder what a 7year old would say about the authenticity who has grown up with this, the authorities on this are younger and younger instead of older and older
We should Skype with people in Scotland who go to an iPad middle school!
Cait: when the power was off these kids were forced to go outside and play, they grew up in a Halo xbox world and are shocked by what we considered playing as children
For next time: read "library of babel" it is posted on blackboard, write on blog relationship between readings