Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reading with an e-reader, some pros.

So, several years ago I hacked my PSP so that I could read books on it. I would hold it sideways in my hand and advance the page with my pinky, an awkward position that I quickly got used to. It had a small screen and you'd have to change the text to white on a black background or it would give you a headache focusing, but there were several advantages to this. First, access to books. As much as everybody loves their local bookstore it has to contend with the physical problem of space. Even large chains like B&N can only accommodate a small percentage of all the books written in their gigantic, warehouse like stores. However, in the digital medium you can fit thousand and thousands of books on a microSD smaller than your thumb. Thus, with access to the internet and its endless storage capacity you can find and read any book you could ever want in less than an hour. For example, finding a copy of William S. Burroughs' Junkie in rural Alabama is impossible and it would have taken me a week or more to order it. But, with the possibility of an e-reader I was halfway through it by that evening. The next positive is space, since you can only carry so many books on you at once; even a normal sized hardcover becomes awkward to carry around with you all day if you don't have some type of bag. But, I could slip my PSP in my pant's pocket and have 200 books available to me at anytime. Third, you can search through all of the text automatically with a single keyword or phrase. How many times have you remember something mentioned in a book and then spent 20 minutes trying to track it down because you didn't underline it? Lastly, it does free up where you can read. You don't need a light source and it's small and light, making it perfect for reading during long car trips at night or when you don't want to disturb your roommate.
Anyways, these were a few of the benefits that I noticed while using an e-reader. Of course, there were also serious problems with it but that's a different story.

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